"It seems that whatever approach or method is used, in the end it is the quality of the relationship between supervisor and counsellor that determines whether supervision is effective or not . . . There needs to be a degree of warmth, trust, genuineness and respect between them in order to create a safe enough environment for supervision to take place."
(Hunt 1998)
All my supervisors and supervisees have taught me one essential thing: that a commitment to authenticity is vital. Supervision can be rich and enjoyable at the same time as being challenging; it’s in those moments of discomfort that we discover most about the relationship between the client and ourselves.
I don't counsel your clients by proxy: my focus is on how you feel and what you might be experiencing when you're with individual clients. We'll explore ethics, professional frameworks, personal and professional boundaries and the law as well as difficult situations knowing that each therapist will find their own way of being with their own clients.
Feeling secure enough to explore the difficult stuff - in the relationship between client and supervisee and in the relationship between us - requires confidence and respect in and from both of us. Annual reviews are part of my commitment to the Ethical Framework.
I offer reduced fees for students who cannot afford my standard supervision rates. I'm straightforward about money and will ask you to be straightforward about your income. It's not unusual for people who can afford supervision to ask for a discount, and for those who are genuinely struggling to wait too long to ask.
One to one supervision for low income students - £50 for 1 hour.
£70 for 1 ½ hours.
Group supervision - £45 per person for 2 hours total (40 mins each.) Group meets fortnightly and are limited to 3 supervisees.
One to one supervision for student and qualified counsellors - £80 for 1 hour.
£90 for 1 ½ hours.
For more details call 07717 845 115
Student Therapy
Training as a counsellor will absorb a great deal of your emotional capacity. Many of your thoughts, feelings and assumptions will be challenged if you engage well on a good course. Whilst peer support groups can be rich and empowering personal therapy offers a space in which you don’t have to prove anything.
The obligation to have personal counselling will also drain your finances. 100 hours will cost around £9,000. Some students will be able to afford that and some won’t. For those that can’t I offer a reduced fee of £50 a session. Most students can afford my normal fees because they can afford the expensive training. I'm very open to discussing your own financial situation to determine a fee that is fair to us both.
You might find financial support here and here.
Supervision Contract
We both:
are members of professional bodies and abide by their ethical framework.
have indemnity insurance for our work or are covered by the agency’s insurance.
What is supervision?
Supervision is an opportunity for supervisees to reflect on all aspects of their clinical work, where they receive formal and informal feedback on that work and where the safety and welfare of clients is prioritised.
We agree to meet for a minimum of 1 ½ hours every month at a time arranged at the end of each supervisory session.
Sessions cost £90.
We have agreed the following:
If either of us cannot attend a session we will let the other know as soon as possible.
If the supervisee cancels with less than 48 hours notice or does not attend a supervision session then the full fee is payable.
Disagreement, dispute or conflict
The supervisee is free to end supervision at any time without explanation.
Ideally we will
1. address disagreements or conflicts face to face as soon as possible, the aim being to increase understanding and trust and to repair rupture.
2. seek mediation if disagreement or conflict is unresolvable. Payment for mediation will be shared equally between us.
3. work towards an ending where both of us feel content that we have been respected, heard and understood.
The above does not affect any professional complaints process which both of us are free to engage in at any time.
If there is need for extra supervision this can be discussed.
Contracts with others. e.g. agency will be borne in mind.
Keeping of supervisory notes: Both supervisor and supervisee will be free to write notes. I will keep my notes securely.
Emergencies: You are free to phone me on the following number: 07717845115
N.B. What will you (the supervisee) do if I am not available?
Confidentiality: If issues are raised in supervision which concerns the supervisor ie unsafe or unethical practice by the supervisee or issues which concern harm to self or others brought by the client then explorations about disclosure will begin and be revisited.
Openness and honesty
Roles and Responsibilities
Time keeping
Giving feedback
Monitoring the supervisory relationship
Creating a safe place
Monitoring the ethical issues. Safety issues will be prioritised e.g. child protection, domestic violence, mental health issues, onward referral etc.
Keeping notes on sessions
Drawing up any supervisory reports/notes
Feedback between us
Evaluation and Review
We have agreed that informal evaluation of Supervisee, Supervisor and Supervision will take place every 6th session.
Formal evaluations will take place at end of year or as requested by either supervisor or supervisee.
Renegotiation of Contract
At any time either of us can initiate discussion around re-negotiation of the contract or any part of it.
Signed Clare Slaney (Supervisor)
Signed (Supervisee)
(Hunt 1998)
All my supervisors and supervisees have taught me one essential thing: that a commitment to authenticity is vital. Supervision can be rich and enjoyable at the same time as being challenging; it’s in those moments of discomfort that we discover most about the relationship between the client and ourselves.
I don't counsel your clients by proxy: my focus is on how you feel and what you might be experiencing when you're with individual clients. We'll explore ethics, professional frameworks, personal and professional boundaries and the law as well as difficult situations knowing that each therapist will find their own way of being with their own clients.
Feeling secure enough to explore the difficult stuff - in the relationship between client and supervisee and in the relationship between us - requires confidence and respect in and from both of us. Annual reviews are part of my commitment to the Ethical Framework.
I offer reduced fees for students who cannot afford my standard supervision rates. I'm straightforward about money and will ask you to be straightforward about your income. It's not unusual for people who can afford supervision to ask for a discount, and for those who are genuinely struggling to wait too long to ask.
One to one supervision for low income students - £50 for 1 hour.
£70 for 1 ½ hours.
Group supervision - £45 per person for 2 hours total (40 mins each.) Group meets fortnightly and are limited to 3 supervisees.
One to one supervision for student and qualified counsellors - £80 for 1 hour.
£90 for 1 ½ hours.
For more details call 07717 845 115
Student Therapy
Training as a counsellor will absorb a great deal of your emotional capacity. Many of your thoughts, feelings and assumptions will be challenged if you engage well on a good course. Whilst peer support groups can be rich and empowering personal therapy offers a space in which you don’t have to prove anything.
The obligation to have personal counselling will also drain your finances. 100 hours will cost around £9,000. Some students will be able to afford that and some won’t. For those that can’t I offer a reduced fee of £50 a session. Most students can afford my normal fees because they can afford the expensive training. I'm very open to discussing your own financial situation to determine a fee that is fair to us both.
You might find financial support here and here.
Supervision Contract
We both:
are members of professional bodies and abide by their ethical framework.
have indemnity insurance for our work or are covered by the agency’s insurance.
What is supervision?
Supervision is an opportunity for supervisees to reflect on all aspects of their clinical work, where they receive formal and informal feedback on that work and where the safety and welfare of clients is prioritised.
We agree to meet for a minimum of 1 ½ hours every month at a time arranged at the end of each supervisory session.
Sessions cost £90.
We have agreed the following:
If either of us cannot attend a session we will let the other know as soon as possible.
If the supervisee cancels with less than 48 hours notice or does not attend a supervision session then the full fee is payable.
Disagreement, dispute or conflict
The supervisee is free to end supervision at any time without explanation.
Ideally we will
1. address disagreements or conflicts face to face as soon as possible, the aim being to increase understanding and trust and to repair rupture.
2. seek mediation if disagreement or conflict is unresolvable. Payment for mediation will be shared equally between us.
3. work towards an ending where both of us feel content that we have been respected, heard and understood.
The above does not affect any professional complaints process which both of us are free to engage in at any time.
If there is need for extra supervision this can be discussed.
Contracts with others. e.g. agency will be borne in mind.
Keeping of supervisory notes: Both supervisor and supervisee will be free to write notes. I will keep my notes securely.
Emergencies: You are free to phone me on the following number: 07717845115
N.B. What will you (the supervisee) do if I am not available?
Confidentiality: If issues are raised in supervision which concerns the supervisor ie unsafe or unethical practice by the supervisee or issues which concern harm to self or others brought by the client then explorations about disclosure will begin and be revisited.
Openness and honesty
Roles and Responsibilities
Time keeping
Giving feedback
Monitoring the supervisory relationship
Creating a safe place
Monitoring the ethical issues. Safety issues will be prioritised e.g. child protection, domestic violence, mental health issues, onward referral etc.
Keeping notes on sessions
Drawing up any supervisory reports/notes
Feedback between us
Evaluation and Review
We have agreed that informal evaluation of Supervisee, Supervisor and Supervision will take place every 6th session.
Formal evaluations will take place at end of year or as requested by either supervisor or supervisee.
Renegotiation of Contract
At any time either of us can initiate discussion around re-negotiation of the contract or any part of it.
Signed Clare Slaney (Supervisor)
Signed (Supervisee)